Current & Upcoming Courses


Israel – Palestine: Past and Present

Dates: Starting Thursday September 26th 7-9pm, 4 Sessions

Location: Christchurch, Abbeydale

The horrific Middle-East conflict between Israel and Hamas continues with no end in sight. It seems almost impossible to understand what it’s all about. Why is the world so up in arms over a tiny strip of land?

What has caused such fierce animosity between peoples, regions, & nations? God loves the Palestinians and the Israelis, and with that premise, this course traces the history of both peoples, exploring the deeply complex background of the conflict in 3 sections: Ancient history; from Rome to British Palestine; and Modern history.


Journey through the Bible

A one day event: Saturday October 12, 9am-4pm

Location: Kendal Road Baptist Church


Good Call

Location: Via Zoom online

5+ sessions, Thursdays from 2nd May 7-9pm

We make decisions all the time – often under pressure because of time constraints, or the expectations of people around us. How can we be sure that the decisions that matter are good decisions? How can we be sure that these decisions are made well, that good outcomes are sought, and that the decision-making process honours God and respects those around us? 

This course explores ethics for the local church and aims to equip individuals and churches to make good choices. It outlines some of the key ethical principles relating to making moral (good/bad) choices, and the riches that the Christian church brings to the task of doing ethics.  

Who Cares?

Location: St Andrew’s Church, Churchdown 

Thursday evenings, starting 6th June

From an early age we realise that other people have expectations of us: we need to become civilised, conform to rules, work hard, pass exams and achieve in life. Sometimes the favoured goals seem unattainable. We can’t manage on our own. We feel inadequate. Where can we turn for trustworthy support?Where do we find a reliable friend on whom we can depend?

We will reflect on the bewilderment of modern life, the temptations to be always part of the ‘in crowd’ and turn to the story of God’s People for guidance. 


GTS has been working closely with the diocese of Gloucester and as a partner we want to promote their courses when running.

The Difference Course

Every Wednesday until 7 February 2024, 

1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Navigating a divided and complex world can be hard. This course is about equipping us to cross divides, navigate disagreement and pursue a just and flourishing world. Over five sessions we will listen to stories of people facing conflict, consider the way that Jesus engaged with difference and division in the context of prayerful discussion.

‘After being challenged to grow in my own understanding of the Bible I recently completed the GTS course, ‘Unlocking the Bible.’ It was so accessible, well-paced, and fitted in well with an already busy schedule.  What an amazing resource, right on our doorstep!’

Ollie Bennett, Pastor, Kingfisher Church Tredworth

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