
Gateway 400

Welcome to Gateway 400!  

This idea arose from a personal challenge.  Could I write something interesting, provocative, informative, and concise – in just 400 words?   That’s the idea of Gateway 400.  A weekly series of thoughts and ideas on theology, Bible, or contemporary issues – one each week for the whole year.  That’s 52 musings, each in 400 words (with a little grace). 

These short articles are intended to be accessible to anyone, thought-provoking, a bit humorous, perhaps controversial – but easy to read and digest in under 3 minutes!  For those who do a GTS course, you know there are plenty of detailed notes – but not everyone can do a course, and this is something different.

On a personal note, you have no idea how difficult this is for an academic.  I love to explain, critique, speculate.  The philosopher Blaise Pascal once wrote, ‘I’m sorry for such a long letter, I didn’t have time to write a short one’.  Writing concisely is a gift – one I don’t normally possess.  But in this day and age, attention spans are shorter, and social media has conditioned us for sound bites and immediate impact.  These aren’t sound bites, real theology just doesn’t work like that!  But I think it’s a good attempt.

Is it possible to be really concise, yet still penetrating, insightful, and provocative?  You be the Judge!  

Alongside Gateway 400, we’ll occasionally post longer articles or blogposts on relevant topics in our world today – from a theological perspective of course.  Browse around and have fun!

Dan Button (GTS Director)

A Tribute to Jürgen Moltmann

A Tribute to Jürgen Moltmann

Amidst all the major world events vying for attention recently, I’m not surprised that I barely heard a whisper about the passing of Jürgen Moltmann.  His death took place just...

by Dan ButtonJuly 26, 2024
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God and the Animals

God and the Animals

Christians sometimes assume that animals were sort of an optional extra in the biblical story of God and humanity. Maybe created for fun, or for our benefit – so we...

by Dan ButtonMarch 24, 2024
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Life & Death(?) in the New Creation

Life & Death(?) in the New Creation

Here’s a radical idea; fasten your seat belt.  Will there be death in the new creation?  ‘Of course not’ (we think), and our minds instantly turn to Rev 21:4, ‘there...

by Dan ButtonFebruary 13, 2024
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The Already… and the Not Yet

The Already… and the Not Yet

The Greek word erchomenos is a strange one. It means both ‘coming’ and ‘going’. You only know which meaning is in view by its context. Was Jesus coming to Jericho...

by Dan ButtonDecember 30, 2023
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10) The Future: Where Are We Heading?

10) The Future: Where Are We Heading?

So, how does the story of the Bible end? It’s best to think back to the beginning…. In the beginning, God creates… and in the end, he’s still creating! See,...

by Dan ButtonNovember 27, 2023
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9) Messages of Love & Truth

9) Messages of Love & Truth

The story of Israel takes a dramatic turn after Jesus’ resurrection. For those who believe, their worldview shifts from centripetal (Israel at the centre) to centrifugal (spreading the message outward...

by Dan ButtonNovember 27, 2023
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8) Christianity Spreads its Wings

8) Christianity Spreads its Wings

In the Old Testament, we met Judges, Kings, Prophets, Priests and a Temple at the centre of Israel’s religious life. In the New Testament we suddenly encounter Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes,...

by Dan ButtonNovember 20, 2023
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7) Good News: Hope on the Horizon

7) Good News: Hope on the Horizon

Easy question. What connects the Old and the New Testaments? Jesus of course. Where do we find Jesus? In the Gospels. So what’s the difference between the gospel and the...

by Dan ButtonNovember 20, 2023
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6) Decline, Disaster, & Dominion: Israel in Exile

6) Decline, Disaster, & Dominion: Israel in Exile

England has had 42 kings & queens since 1066 - some good, some bad, some ugly, but who’s to say? History is the judge. Not so for Israel. God was...

by Dan ButtonNovember 20, 2023
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5) Wisdom, Longing & Despair: Israel’s Poetry

5) Wisdom, Longing & Despair: Israel’s Poetry

When we think of the Bible as a story – of God’s interaction with his people over many centuries – ‘wisdom literature’ doesn’t feature. It isn’t history, and it doesn’t...

by Dan ButtonOctober 30, 2023
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4) Kings, Priests & Prophets

4) Kings, Priests & Prophets

When we think of ancient Israel, we usually think of it as a nation – with borders, trade, a cultural heritage, and a governing authority. But Israel had none of...

by Dan ButtonOctober 30, 2023
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3) Israel: A People, a Place, & a Purpose

3) Israel: A People, a Place, & a Purpose

People, Land, Nation, Name, Blessing. These were the five main building blocks of God’s covenant with Abraham. A covenant was a type of formal agreement between two parties in the...

by Dan ButtonOctober 30, 2023
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2) The Pentateuch: Engine of the OT

2) The Pentateuch: Engine of the OT

Compare the Bible to a car. What do you value in a car? For most people, the value is in driving it. We need to get places, so we just...

by Dan ButtonOctober 30, 2023
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1) Story, Myth, History

1) Story, Myth, History

The Bible begins with a story – but what does that tell us?  There are stories, and there are stories!  If your grandmother begins, ‘once upon a time, there lived…’...

by Dan ButtonSeptember 25, 2023
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It’s all Greek to me!

It’s all Greek to me!

I wonder how you feel when a preacher says, ‘Of course, in the original Greek this word really means blah blah blah’. You might think, ‘Ooh that makes a lot...

by Guest WriterSeptember 25, 2023
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Summer Joys, and a Good Book

Summer Joys, and a Good Book

Here comes the British summer, the season when many bags are packed with shorts, hats, macs, suncream and… books.  Topics are many and varied: possibly connected with the holiday destination...

by Guest WriterAugust 5, 2023
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The Feasts of the Lord

The Feasts of the Lord

Who doesn’t love a good feast? We might think of Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving, perhaps a wedding or a graduation feast with friends and family. Personally, the image from ‘The Grinch’...

by Dan ButtonApril 26, 2023
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The Meaning of Hannukah

The Meaning of Hannukah

We all know that Christmas is celebrated differently around the world – and sometimes we mistakenly think that the Jewish celebration of Hannukah is simply their variation of Christmas; it...

by Dan ButtonDecember 21, 2022
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Kings & Kingdoms

Kings & Kingdoms

As my plane descended into Gatwick on the morning of the Queen’s funeral, the lyrics of an old song kept playing in my head: ‘Kings and kingdoms will all pass...

by Dan ButtonDecember 7, 2022
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Make Seeing Eyes Blind – Tribute to Brother Andrew

Make Seeing Eyes Blind – Tribute to Brother Andrew

Brother Andrew A truly inspirational figure passed away in September this year, age 94 – the man known to Christians around the world simply as ‘Brother Andrew’.  His real name,...

by Dan ButtonNovember 30, 2022
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Thanksgiving – and Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving – and Giving Thanks

This picture is an honest to goodness wild male turkey (or tom) that wandered from the nearby woods into my parents’ back garden last Autumn.  He had at least 2...

by Dan ButtonNovember 24, 2022
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God Doesn’t Work Alone

God Doesn’t Work Alone

Warning: this topic is pure speculation, but here we go… Humans are uniquely philosophical creatures: ‘Why am I here?  What’s the purpose of life?  Not to be flippant – but...

by Dan ButtonJuly 27, 2022
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The Problem with Miracles

The Problem with Miracles

How shocking would it be if I said I don’t believe in miracles?  We’re conditioned as Christians to believe in miracles – so much so that if we don’t, it’s...

by Dan ButtonJuly 13, 2022
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Science & Faith – a Match Made in Heaven?

Science & Faith – a Match Made in Heaven?

You could be excused for thinking this title is a bit facetious.  Everyone knows there’s conflict between science and religion, right? A recent survey asked the British public that very...

by Dan ButtonJuly 6, 2022
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The Independence Illusion

The Independence Illusion

As I write, Americans are gearing up this week to celebrate their ‘Independence Day’. The fireworks, celebrations (and food consumption) will be tremendous, as will the undeniable sense of historic...

by Dan ButtonJune 29, 2022
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Apocalyptic, Apocalypse, and the Apocrypha

Apocalyptic, Apocalypse, and the Apocrypha

These three similar sounding words are notoriously confusing.  You may recognise ‘the Apocrypha’ as the collection of books founds in Roman Catholic Bibles but not in Protestant Bibles (e.g. Judith,...

by Dan ButtonJune 22, 2022
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Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness lies at the very core of Christian faith.  Without it, where would we be?  Christians uniquely understand forgiveness as deriving and emanating from the very heart of God, enabling...

by Dan ButtonJune 15, 2022
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It’s about time, II

It’s about time, II

Yes, the title is a pun.  Time puns are inevitable.  I nearly called this, ‘a second’s time around’.  The previous article ‘God & Time’ pondered the question, ‘what is time?’,...

by Dan ButtonJune 8, 2022
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The Queen’s Jubilee – and God’s Jubilee

The Queen’s Jubilee – and God’s Jubilee

As I write this, the whole of the UK (even including, I suspect, staunch anti-royalists), are out celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – along with Commonwealth Nations, and indeed much...

by Dan ButtonJune 1, 2022
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A Tribute to Marv Rosenthal

A Tribute to Marv Rosenthal

Marv who, I hear you ask?  Marv Rosenthal was one of the greatest Bible teachers I’ve ever known.  He passed away earlier this year at age 86 (graduating this life...

by Dan ButtonMay 25, 2022
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God & Time

God & Time

What is time?  We’ve probably all pondered that baffling question at one ‘time’ or another.  The best answer ever?  ‘Time… is what keeps everything from happening all at once.’  So...

by Dan ButtonMay 18, 2022
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Context is King

Context is King

Whenever a question of biblical interpretation comes up, the first and foremost consideration must be context.  In my days at theological college, the absolute importance of context was drilled into...

by Dan ButtonMay 11, 2022
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Beware the Slippery Slope

Beware the Slippery Slope

We’ve all heard of the argument called ‘the slippery slope’.  Put one foot on the slope and it slips down further, try to correct it and it slips further again,...

by Dan ButtonMay 4, 2022
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In the Beginning…

In the Beginning…

Everything that exists must have a beginning, right?  Hmmm…  It’s not as straightforward an assumption as we often think.  Does a river have a beginning?  Numerous explorers lost their lives...

by Dan ButtonApril 27, 2022
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Created In God’s Image

Created In God’s Image

What does it mean to be ‘created in God’s image’?  It’s a question theologians, scholars and ordinary Christians have pondered for centuries.  Lots of ideas, no consensus.  Everyone recognises that...

by Dan ButtonApril 20, 2022
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Reading the Bible & Driving a Car

Reading the Bible & Driving a Car

I often use the analogy that learning to read the Bible is like learning to drive a car.  Driving a car is surprisingly easy – in an open field or...

by Dan ButtonApril 13, 2022
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AI, Transhumanism, and Me

AI, Transhumanism, and Me

Will machines become more human, or will humans become more like machines?  The answer is both are happening at a rapid pace.  It’s no longer, ‘the robots are coming!’  The...

by Dan ButtonApril 6, 2022
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Theology of the Easter Egg

Theology of the Easter Egg

Who knew that the humble Easter egg actually has a long and noble theological history?  Going way back to the early church, the practice developed of teaching new converts the...

by Dan ButtonMarch 30, 2022
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Wars and Rumours of Wars

Wars and Rumours of Wars

The devastating pictures of the war in Ukraine bring to mind for some Christians Jesus’ description of ‘wars and rumours of wars’ as a sign of the end (Mat 24:6). ...

by Dan ButtonMarch 23, 2022
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The Context of Creation

The Context of Creation

‘In the Beginning, God created…’  Certainly this ranks among the most recognisable opening phrases of any literature known to mankind, yet what does it really mean?  Do we ever stop...

by Dan ButtonMarch 16, 2022
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Why Bother with Lent?

Why Bother with Lent?

‘What are you giving up for Lent’?  I first remember being asked by a friend at school, and I hadn’t the faintest idea what she was talking about.  My parents...

by Dan ButtonMarch 9, 2022
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Artificial Intelligence & the Image of God

Artificial Intelligence & the Image of God

Robots used to bring to mind rather clunky metal creations appearing or sounding vaguely human.  The terrifying Daleks who kindled nightmares in the Dr Who generation of the 1960s had...

by Dan ButtonMarch 2, 2022
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The Bible and the End of the World

The Bible and the End of the World

What does the Bible say about the end of the world?  Absolutely nothing.  That phrase is never found in Scripture.  So where does the idea come from, and why do...

by Dan ButtonFebruary 23, 2022
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Globalization and Gospel

Globalization and Gospel

If you’re of a certain age, you may recall a time when the word ‘globalization’ didn’t exist.  It’s a modern invention – only entered the dictionary in 1951.  Legend traces...

by Dan ButtonFebruary 16, 2022
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A Dynamic Interrelationship

A Dynamic Interrelationship

Have you ever wondered about the relationship between theology, life, and the Bible?  ‘Not really’, I hear you thinking.  Well, perhaps not consciously, but that’s the point.  As Christians we...

by Dan ButtonFebruary 9, 2022
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Language, Meaning, Genre

Language, Meaning, Genre

Language is a strange thing.  My nose runs and my feet smell – or does my nose smell and my feet run?  Who doesn’t love a bit of wordplay?  What...

by Dan ButtonFebruary 2, 2022
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But do you take it literally?

But do you take it literally?

We’ve probably all been asked at one time or another, ‘Do you take the Bible literally’?  My advice? Never, ever, ever answer that question.  Why not?  Because the questioner is...

by Dan ButtonJanuary 26, 2022
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A Faultline in the Christian Worldview

A Faultline in the Christian Worldview

A key aspect of a Christian worldview is the idea that God created the world (although how is another question).  Not everyone believes this of course.  Some don’t believe in...

by Dan ButtonJanuary 19, 2022
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What is Theology?

What is Theology?

Gateway is a theology school, so what exactly is theology?  Good question – one that academics and church leaders have pondered for generations – centuries even – and still not...

by Dan ButtonJanuary 12, 2022
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Articles & Blogs

God’s Justice and Climate Injustice (COP27)

God’s Justice and Climate Injustice (COP27)

If COP27 passed you by unnoticed, you’re not alone.  Last year one could hardly escape the tremendous build-up and media noise around COP26 in Glasgow, while this year’s COP27 in...

by Dan ButtonDecember 12, 2022
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Wrapping Up the first 5 Years

Wrapping Up the first 5 Years

Exactly two weeks ago at this moment, I was scrambling to get the final touches ready for the GTS 5-Year Anniversary Celebration.  If you were there – what a wonderful...

by Dan ButtonJuly 20, 2022
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COP26 A Theologian’s Perspective

COP26 A Theologian’s Perspective

I was privileged to spend a week in Glasgow as part of the COP26 conference, a rather unforgettable experience.  I shared a series of reflections on Facebook, and thought I’d...

by Dan ButtonNovember 15, 2021
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