Faith & Life

Faith and Life

A Tribute to Jürgen Moltmann

Amidst all the major world events vying for attention recently, I’m not surprised that I barely heard a whisper about the passing of Jürgen Moltmann.  His death took place just as preparations for the 80th anniversary of D-Day were in full flow – and that was somehow appropriate.  Moltmann’s life and theology journey were profoundly […]

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Faith and Life

The Independence Illusion

As I write, Americans are gearing up this week to celebrate their ‘Independence Day’. The fireworks, celebrations (and food consumption) will be tremendous, as will the undeniable sense of historic pride and accomplishment. The tadpole defeated the piranha!  The tiny colonies gained their freedom from mad King George and the monstrous British Empire!  These ideals

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Faith and Life

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness lies at the very core of Christian faith.  Without it, where would we be?  Christians uniquely understand forgiveness as deriving and emanating from the very heart of God, enabling us to be forgiven and making it possible (in fact necessary) for us to forgive.  It’s a reflection within us of the very nature and

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Faith and Life

A Tribute to Marv Rosenthal

Marv who, I hear you ask?  Marv Rosenthal was one of the greatest Bible teachers I’ve ever known.  He passed away earlier this year at age 86 (graduating this life with high honours in Christ), and it got me thinking about all he’s taught me.  It was largely due to Marv that I developed my

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Faith and Life

Beware the Slippery Slope

We’ve all heard of the argument called ‘the slippery slope’.  Put one foot on the slope and it slips down further, try to correct it and it slips further again, and soon there’s no way back.  A similar proverb claims: ‘What the parent allows in moderation, the children will take to excess.’  Christians often apply

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Faith and Life

AI, Transhumanism, and Me

Will machines become more human, or will humans become more like machines?  The answer is both are happening at a rapid pace.  It’s no longer, ‘the robots are coming!’  The robots are here.   Yet the language is slippery: robots, androids, cyborgs, synths, replicants, artificial intelligence, nanobots, droids… what do we mean by all these?

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Faith and Life

Why Bother with Lent?

‘What are you giving up for Lent’?  I first remember being asked by a friend at school, and I hadn’t the faintest idea what she was talking about.  My parents didn’t know about Lent either – except that it wasn’t in the Bible, so we didn’t need to bother with it.  It was a Catholic

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