Author name: Dan Button

Faith and Life

Why Bother with Lent?

‘What are you giving up for Lent’?  I first remember being asked by a friend at school, and I hadn’t the faintest idea what she was talking about.  My parents didn’t know about Lent either – except that it wasn’t in the Bible, so we didn’t need to bother with it.  It was a Catholic […]

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Faith and Life

Globalization and Gospel

If you’re of a certain age, you may recall a time when the word ‘globalization’ didn’t exist.  It’s a modern invention – only entered the dictionary in 1951.  Legend traces its widespread use to a famous article in the Harvard Business Review in 1983.  Surprised?  Globalization is now so established in common parlance that we

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Faith and Life

A Dynamic Interrelationship

Have you ever wondered about the relationship between theology, life, and the Bible?  ‘Not really’, I hear you thinking.  Well, perhaps not consciously, but that’s the point.  As Christians we are continuously faced with questions about how we should live, what choices to make, how to lead godly lives in a complex world, how to

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Language, Meaning, Genre

Language is a strange thing.  My nose runs and my feet smell – or does my nose smell and my feet run?  Who doesn’t love a bit of wordplay?  What did the ram say to his wife?  I love ewe.  Hebrew poetry is rife withwordplay – and poetry makes up over 30% of the Bible. 

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But do you take it literally?

We’ve probably all been asked at one time or another, ‘Do you take the Bible literally’?  My advice? Never, ever, ever answer that question.  Why not?  Because the questioner is either naïve, or it’s a trap.  The question is simply not legitimate.  First, the Bible is not a book.  It’s a collection of books –

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What is Theology?

Gateway is a theology school, so what exactly is theology?  Good question – one that academics and church leaders have pondered for generations – centuries even – and still not arrived at any consensus or unified definition.  In most people’s minds, it’s an ‘ology’ word (like psychology, sociology, or anthropology).  That alone puts it into

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