Author name: Dan Button

God Doesn’t Work Alone

Warning: this topic is pure speculation, but here we go… Humans are uniquely philosophical creatures: ‘Why am I here?  What’s the purpose of life?  Not to be flippant – but the Bible gives a pretty straightforward answer in Gen 1.  We were made to ‘rule over the whole earth’ as his image-bearers, to ‘fill the

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Wrapping Up the first 5 Years

Exactly two weeks ago at this moment, I was scrambling to get the final touches ready for the GTS 5-Year Anniversary Celebration.  If you were there – what a wonderful celebration it was – thank you once again to all who joined in by making cakes, setting up, laying the tables, serving drinks, clearing and

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The Problem with Miracles

How shocking would it be if I said I don’t believe in miracles?  We’re conditioned as Christians to believe in miracles – so much so that if we don’t, it’s highly questionable we’re truly Christian.  But there’s a problem with miracles.  They don’t actually exist in the Bible!  Let me explain: There are several biblical

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Faith and Life

The Independence Illusion

As I write, Americans are gearing up this week to celebrate their ‘Independence Day’. The fireworks, celebrations (and food consumption) will be tremendous, as will the undeniable sense of historic pride and accomplishment. The tadpole defeated the piranha!  The tiny colonies gained their freedom from mad King George and the monstrous British Empire!  These ideals

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Faith and Life

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Forgiveness lies at the very core of Christian faith.  Without it, where would we be?  Christians uniquely understand forgiveness as deriving and emanating from the very heart of God, enabling us to be forgiven and making it possible (in fact necessary) for us to forgive.  It’s a reflection within us of the very nature and

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It’s about time, II

Yes, the title is a pun.  Time puns are inevitable.  I nearly called this, ‘a second’s time around’.  The previous article ‘God & Time’ pondered the question, ‘what is time?’, and clarified why time is truly a theological issue.  But what about length of time – time as duration?  Time is one thing – our

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