Exactly two weeks ago at this moment, I was scrambling to get the final touches ready for the GTS 5-Year Anniversary Celebration. If you were there – what a wonderful celebration it was – thank you once again to all who joined in by making cakes, setting up, laying the tables, serving drinks, clearing and washing, but most of all just for being there. I hope you enjoyed the evening as much as I did!
If you missed it, I’m so sorry – it really was an extraordinary atmosphere, meeting new friends and old, 40 people, with several representing the very first group of St Andrew’s Theology School before GTS even existed, and others newly joined. We enjoyed extraordinary cheeseboards with olives and grapes, a selection of wines, a superb array of cakes and desserts, and even a lovely melon bowl. Tables with flowers, balloons, and bunting rounded off the décor.
While recognising God’s provision at the heart, we also recognised some very special people and gave out awards: 10 certificates of achievement, several awards for exceptional service, certificates of merit, and one academic certificate of theology!
And we gave out the brand new GTS mugs (featuring the infamous Desiderius Erasmus) to all the Friends of GTS. (If you weren’t there and would like your mug, it’s reserved for you, but I can’t post them.) We shared some memories and pictures covering all the developments of the last 5 years – but I think the highlight of the evening was the 6-round theology-based pub quiz, with 9 teams competing for the top two prizes! As the saying goes, ‘a great time was had by all’.
If you’d like a little sample of the quiz, click on the links below:
Quiz 1: Lord of the Rings or the Bible? (Which of these place names come from the Bible, and which come from The Lord of the Rings? This is a multiple choice quiz, so if you are not sure, at least you have a 50% chance of getting it right!)
Quiz 2: Theological Words Beginning with ‘A’ (PLEASE NOTE: To receive the mark, each answer must begin with a capital A and be spelled correctly. (It’s answered by a computer who is a stickler for spelling!)